Miditzer™ Organs
Style 260SP

The Miditzer™ Style 260SP

The Style 260SP is the only Miditzer Style that is not free. You should thoroughly explore the free Style 216 Miditzer before getting involved with the Style 260SP, which is bigger but not better. The screen input with the mouse and the computer keyboard will always work on the 260SP. But after a 60 day evaluation period you will need a license to play MIDI files and use MIDI keyboards. 

Registration Codes cost US$100 USD. The money raised through the licensing of the 260SP is used to offset the costs of maintaining the Miditzer website. 
The Miditzer developers receive nothing for making the Miditzer Style 260SP available. It has not become commercial software and it continues to be provided "as-is" with no obligation of support from anyone. 

WURLITZER organs were assigned Opus Numbers when they left the factory. Today Peter Beames maintains an on-line list of the Wurlitzer Opus Numbers originally compiled by Judd Walton. Using this list it is possible to figure out where most Wurlitzers were originally installed and where many have gone since then. The Miditzer Style 260SP carries on the tradition of Wurlitzer Opus Numbers by displaying the name and an assigned "Opus Number" of registered users on the main screen. 

Most users will not experience problems with the Style 260SP if the Style 216 operates correctly. Please take advantage of the 60 day evaluation period to verify correct operation of the 260SP with your hardware before obtaining a Registration Code.

To obtain a Registration Code for the Miditzer Style 260SP, provide a name that will appear in all caps on your personalized Opus Plate on the 260SP screen and make a payment of US$ 100.00 by clicking the "Buy Now" button below. PayPal is used to securely process your payment by credit card or bank debit. You do not need to have a PayPal account. Just click on the large gray "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button on the PayPal screen.

Opus Plate Name up to 18 char.
A Style 260SP Opus Number and Registration Code will be sent to you by email. Please be sure you give your correct email address during the PayPal payment process. Processing of Registration Codes is done by hand and may take up to a week. Thanks for your patience!

Your Opus Number and Registration Code will be valid for all future versions. You may use them on any number of computers. All we ask is that you not share your Registration Code with others.